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Conference presentations on governance topics
"Who's in Charge?"
2005 NSBA Conference in San Diego, April 2005
"Policy Governance Roundtable, WSSDA Conf in Seattle, Nov 2005 We have presented at state and national levels on the model:  Intro to Policy Governance; Implementing PG; CEO Evaluation; The Board Agenda; PG Roundtable; What Research Tells the Board; and 7 Arguments Against Policy Governance.;


Providing information to boards interested in exploring the model
Briefing the Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB), Sept 2005
How does the model apply to PESB as a state agency? Yakima Washington Our first meeting with a board usually consists of a presentation describing the Policy Governance model, its potential benefits, and how it can be implemented given the governance context in which your board operates.


Assisting boards in initial policy development and in implementing the model
Developing means policies Washougal SD, April-May 2005 Ends policy development, Washougal WA, August 2005 Policy development may involve several day-long workshops during which means policies are adapted from templates. Ends policies typically are developed from scratch, but examples are available.


Supporting boards that have adopted PG - maintaining the model
Refining Ends, 2005 October 2005 Follow-up work, refining Ends policies, facilitating linkage discussions with selected owners, reviewing/revising the board's own means policies, monitoring Ends achievement or EL compliance, evaluation.


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